2009. EXHIBITION "WORLD CHESS OLYMPIAD" (Volume of 80 sheets - 5 frames each 16 sheets). EXHIBITOR Vladislav AMIGUD. St. Petersburg, RUSSIA. Frame 1. 

IINTRODUCTION in this WEB-page. ** Version of the collection, which was exhibited at the All-Russian Philatelic Exhibition "St. Petersburg Vernisage <a Week of Post Collections> " in Saint-Petersburg 28.06- 4.07.2009. The organizers of the exhibition have restricted the amount of exposure in five frames, therefore, had to withdraw from the exposure - 2008 (volume is 6 frames) two the sections "The prehistory of the Chess Olympiads" and "Student Chess Olympiad" completely. In addition, a section "the Women`s Chess Olympiad" had to be cut, because it was necessary to include new items about the 38th chess Olympiad and interesting the things about the previous Chess Olympiads and additions to the collection lately. *** A catalog of this Exhibition.

INTRODUCTION in this WEB-page. The diploma on awarding the exposure "World Chess Olympiad" the gilded medal and this medal. *** Вариант коллекции, экспонировавшейся на Всероссийской филвыставке «Петербургский вернисаж <Неделя почтовых коллекций>» в Санкт-Петербурге 28.06 – 4.07.2009. Организаторы выставки ограничили объем экспозиции 5-ю стендами, поэтому пришлось изъять из экспозиции 2008 года разделы «Предыстория Шахматных олимпиад» и «Студенческие шахматные олимпиады» полностью. Кроме того, сократить радел «Женские шахматные олимпиады», т.к. необходимо было включить новинки по 38-й олимпиаде и интересные вещи по предыдущим олимпиадам, пополнившие коллекцию в последнее время.

p01. PLAN of the EXPOSURE. 1. Preface (sheet 2). 2. The WORLD CHESS OLYMPIADS (MALES. (sh3-50). 2.1. The first Olympiads, the first winners. (sh3-7). 2.2. The victorious debut of a team of USSR (sh8-14). 2.3. On each Olympiad – a record. (sh15-21). 2.4. The unique record of a team of USSR (sh22-28). 2.5. The USA and Hungary "shook up the good ol''''" (sh29-32). 2.6. A revenge on Malta (sh33-44). 2.7. 18-time Champion be left in History as undefeated. (sh45-50). 3. AT THE TURN of the MILLENNIUMS. (sh81-74). 2.1. A debut of a team of Russia (sh51-60). 3.2. A victorious series continues. (sh61-66). 3.3 The new leaders - Ukraine and Armenia. (sh67-74) 4. The FEMININE CHESS OLYMPIADS. (sh75-80) 4.1. The first champions (sh75-78) 4.2. On Olympus changes. (sh79-80)

p02. INTRODUCTION. The World chess olympiads are the popular team competitions are held under the aegis of FIDE among different categories of players. So, the World chess olympiad blind chess players (since 1961.) playing not more than 30 teams. The Chess Olympiad of Students are the same scale, but there was many of the future champions of the world and the applicants, for example, M. Tal, B.Spassky, A..Karpov, V..Korchnoi, M. Taimanov, L. Polugayevsky, etc. The World Chess Olympiads among men (held since 1927) and women (from 1957.) are the most mass and popular competitions. This a exposition tells us precisely about these popular competitions. Philatelic souvenirs of World Chess olympiads - 8-th among the blind players (1988. Hungary) and 5th among the students (1958. Bulgaria, Varna). {ВВЕДЕНИЕ. Всемирные шахматные олимпиады – популярные командные соревнования, проводятся под эгидой ФИДЕ среди различных категорий шахматистов. Так, Всемирные шахматные олимпиады незрячих шахматистов (с 1961 г.) собирают не более 30 команд. Студенческие шахматные олимпиады – того же масштаба, но в них играли будущие чемпионы мира и претенденты, например, М. Таль, Б. Спасский, А. Карпов, В. Корчной, М. Тайманов, Л. Полугаевский и др. Самыми масштабными являются Всемирные Шахматные олимпиады среди мужчин (проводятся с 1927 года) и женщин (с 1957 г.). Именно этим популярнейшим соревнованиям посвящена данная экспозиция. Филателистические сувениры Всемирных Шахматных олимпиад – 8-й незрячих шахматистов (1988 г. Венория) и 5-ой студенческой (1958 г. Болгария, Варна).}

p03. The first World Chess Olympiad was held in London 18 - 29.07.1927. Has won, as well as on following II Olympiad (Hague, 1928г.) a team of Hungary. * The Westminister-Central-Hall - a place of realization of 1st Olympiad. * G.Maroczy the leader of a team of Hungary on 1st Chess Olympiad. * In London from 16 participants of 15 teams were from Europe. III World Chess Olympiad was held 13 - 27.07.1930 in Hamburg and was finished by a victory of a team of Poland. After this Olympiad to participation are supposed both amateurs and professionals. * F. Semish- the player of a team of the Germany which has occupied on III Olympiad 3rd place is represented by F.Zemish on stamp of Djibouti. * The World Champion A.Alehin''''s (France) - debutant on Olympiads , has won all 9 parties

p04. On IV - VI World chess Olympiads was an alternation of generations of chess players, new leaders appeared among teams and inside them. These Olympiads were won with a team of USA. IV Chess Olympiad was held in Prague 11-26.07.1931. Games was held in the most popular in Prague of cafe « At Novak », in a hall containing 800 spectators. * E. Bogolubov played on Olympiad in first and last time. * V.Mikenas debuted in Prague on Olympiads - the leader of a team of Lithuania on IV - VIII Olympiads. Special postmark of memorial V. Mikenasa (1997, Lithuania.). * World champion A.Alehin (France) on IV - V Olympiads Has shown the best result on 1st board. * IV World Chess Olympiad is marked by mail of Czechoslovakia only 60 years after. The meter slogan postmark of Czechoslovakia devoted to a 60-anniversary of held the IV Chess Olympiad.

p05. VII World Chess Olympiad (Stockholm, 31.07 - 14.08.37) was won the team of USA headed by S.Reshevsky. It was 4th in succession the victory of a team of USA - a new record of Olympiads. (IV - Prague, 1931; V - Folkestone, 1933; VI - Warsaw, 1935; VII - Stockholm, 1937). * World champion M. Euwe headed a team of Holland (6th place). * S.Reshevsky on the block of Comoro islands (1999). * The letter with special postmark from VII World Chess Olympiad

p06. VIII World Chess Olympiad (Buenos Aires 24.08. - 19.09.39) was held for the first time not in Europe and for the first time with semifinals and the final. From 1st day of the final was begun with the 2nd world war. Teams of the struggling countries did not play with each other, to them awarded on 2 points. The team of Germany has won. * The stamp of Poland in memory of the beginning of 2nd world war. * J-R. Capablanca (11,5 from 16) competed to A.Alehin (12,5 of 16) on the first board. But the first place was awarded Capablanca - in the final he has collected on point more. It was first and last play Capablanca on Chess Olympiads. For A. Alehina it was 5th and as last Chess Olympiad. The team of Estonia, headed by P.Keres, has occupied 3rd place among 26 teams. Special postmark of Argentina in honors of a 50-anniversary of held of VIII World Chess Olympiad.

p07. The ancient city of Dubrovnik accepted IX World Chess Olympiad (20.08 - 10.09.1950). * For the first time on chess Olympiads the team of Yugoslavia has won. For the first time the World Chess Olympiad is marked by release of stamps. (Mail of Yugoslavia). * Dubrovnik (the Engraving XV в). V.Pirc - one of leaders of a team of winners. The participant of chess Olympiads since 1931. * Special postmark of mail of Yugoslavia in honors of IX World Chess Olympiad. (the Autograph of the leader of winners - S.Gligorich.)

p08. Chess players of the USSR was debuting on the X World Chess Olympiad (Helsinki 10 - 31.08.1950) and have won her, having started a series of victories on 12 Olympiads in succession. * The first Soviet champions of Chess Olympiad: P.Keres, V. Smyslov, D.Bronshtein, E.Geller, I.Boleslavsky, A.Kotov. * P.Keres was playing already on 4-th Olympiad and already had one bronze medal. V. Smyslov, as well as the others, - the debutant. * The stamp, devoted X to Chess Olympiad, has issued in day of opening of this competition.

p09. Special postmark of Dutch mail and the special envelope, devoted to XI Chess Olympiad. * The second in succession a victory of a team of the USSR, which was headed this time by world champion M.Botvinnik. V Smyslov, D.Bronshtejn and P.Keres also without defeats. * For A. Kotov this Olympiad was last. The art postal stationery envelope of mail of the USSR, devoted to the international chess tournament of memory of A.Kotov.

p10. XII World Chess Olympiad was held in Moscow (31.08 - 24.09.1956 at the Central theatre of the Soviet Army. * The team of the USSR, headed by M.Botvinnik has won in third time in succession. M.Tajmanov has replaced A.Kotov''s in team. * Special postmark of mail of the USSR, devoted to XII Chess Olympiad, had not time to make to opening Olympiad. He was applied from 7.09.56. and with 31.08 till 7.09 was applied the special postmark with the text " Chess World Championship ".

p11. XIII World Chess Olympiad was held in Munich (30.09 - 23.10.1958), which celebrated a 800-anniversary. For the first time teams of the countries of Africa have taken part in Chess Olympiads - the republic of South Africa and Tunis. * The fourth victory of a team of the USSR (M.Botvinnik, V. Smyslov, P.Keres, D.Bronshtein and debutants - the champion of the USSR M.Tal and T.Petrosjan). * D.Bronshtein on his last Olympiad has again shown the best result on the board. * The best results on the boards have shown also P.Keres, T.Petrosjan and M.Tal, and M.Tal result were absolute the best on Olympiad: 13,5 points from 15 (90 %)!!!

p12. XIV World Chess Olympiad has opened 16.10.1960 in Leipzig in building Ringmessehaus and was finished 9.11.60 the fifth in succession by a victory of a team of the USSR. There is a new record of Olympiads! Besides at the USSR one more, really a unique record - ALL 11 played matches are won ! * The Ringmessehaus - a place of realization of Olympiad. * In a team of the USSR debuted V.Korchnoy, and in a team of USA 17-years R.Fisher debuted on 1st board. His party with world champion M.Tal was finished in a draw.

p13. Special the postmarks in Leipzig and Berlin (identical) were used 19.09.60 as a postmarks of "the First day" for a series of stamps of mail of GDR devoted to XIV Chess Olympiad. * During of Olympiad this the postmarks were used daily as the calendar special postmarks.

p14. F.I.D.E. - a member of UNESCO. The cultural program - festivals, competitions, exhibitions on chess themes - an obligatory part of Chess Olympiads. * The roller slogan postmark of XIV Olympiad and exhibition « the Chess in centuries », was applied in September - October. In an exhibition participated more than 140 museums and libraries of the world, including the Hermitage, National a museum of Britain, Germany, Holland and other world famous treasuries. For the first time the philatelic exhibition, a part of the Cultural program of Olympiad, is marked by a special stamp mail of Yugoslavia. This stamp was applied and as a stamp of the First day to marks in honors of IX Chess Olympiad (Dubrovnik, 20.08 - 9.10.50).

p15. Mail of Bulgaria has noted XV World Chess Olympiad (Varna 16.09.-10.10.1962) a series of stamps in two variants (perforate and imperforate), the block, FDC and the special postmark, used in Sofia and Varna. * The special postmark was applied in Sofia 7.07.62 as a postmark of the First Day - red mastic (+ a standard postmark « the First day ») and till 31.07.62 black mastic. * ( The FDC have autographs of champions of XV Olympiad - M.Tal, E.Geller, T.Petrosjan.)

p16. The team of the USSR, headed by M.Botvinnik, was gained ordinary, the sixth in succession a victory on XV Chess Olympiad. * In a team of the USSR the was talented debutant B.Spassky. He, as well as T.Petrosjan, E.Geller and M.Tal'' - the best on the board. * During realization of Chess Olympiad in Varna for a special postmark black-violet mastic was used.

С 3.02.13.

MY COLLECT "World Chess Olympiad" ** МОЯ КОЛЛЕКЦИИ "Шахматные Олимпиады"

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